Experience in Dance :
Bom in the family of Kuchipudi Dance Tradition. Learnt Kuchipudi Dance from early age from her Father who Distinguished
himself in dance as a master. So far more then 2000 performances in SOLO and Ballets.
International Performances :
A In 'Dubai Shopping Festival' conducted at Dubai on 24 & 25 of March 2002.
A PERFOMED AND TRAINED Students in Virginia and Washington D.C. U.S.A . In May. June, July 14th 2008.
A Participated in Silicon Andhra festival-08, Cupertino, CA, USA.
A Trained Students for 3ittonths in Connecticut,I3SA.2010.
• Lecture Demonstration on Kuchipudi Dance and its Forms in New Delhi 12,13,14 OCT-2009,Organised by IRCEN.
• 10 Lecture Demonstrations on Kuchipudi Dance in Punjab at "Gurdaspur",2010.