
Meetkalakar – Where performing artists meet art lovers

About founders


Since childhood, Richa had been fond of learning and enjoying performing arts, especially music and dance. She got basic training in classical vocal and Bharatnatyam, but couldnot pursue it while she studied to become a foreign language expert. But even while working as a Japanese teacher and translator, she attended as many performances and concerts as her hectic schedule permitted.

Rajashree’s tryst with performing arts also began in childhood, when she performed in some plays and tele-films. She learned Bharatnatyam in an early age and performed her Arangetram when she was 12. She gave up training in dance and music to become a software professional. Working in an early stage start-up, she experienced the pains and joys of growing a company from close.

Long time friends and later family members, Richa Rajadhyax and Rajashree Rajadhyax founded Meetkalakar to return to their love of their childhood – performing arts. In Meetkalakar, the clarity of their roles vanishes when they make an occasional cup of tea together. At other times, Rajashree is the creator of the web-portal and all other applications. Richa is the builder of member community and a natural networker.

About team

Richa and Rajashree are ably supported by their close associates Priya, Shraddha, Navin and Aravind


Priya Modak: A Kathak student and performer herself, she loves interacting with artists. She works on expanding the Meetkalakar artists’ network far and wide. She also manages to make herbal products to heal the world in her spare times.


Shraddha Joshi: Shraddha Joshi nee Rajashree Paranjape is one of those lucky people who get to make their liking as their profession. She is very passionate about performing arts. She has been learning Kathak dance for more than four years. Providing education related to performing arts is her passion and vocation. A Kathak teacher by profession, Shraddha shoulders the responsibility of Meetkalakar's online school of performing arts Meetkalakar Gurukul.


Navin Athavale: "A punch of creative panache, oodles of humor that is backed by profound passion for movies, food and songs - thats Navin Athavale. After having completed his graduation in Bachelor of Fine Arts , he nurtured his skill in design and graphics by working hands-on in the print industry for several years of his career. A natural artist as he is the experience made him a pro and set out new pathways for exploring his ingenuity in the web world too. A highly vibrant persona with a zest and zeal for life; he is gifted with a priceless boon of vivid imagination that looks after the aesthetic and artistic elements of Meetkalakar."


Aravind Parvatikar: An avid trivia collector, Aravind Parvatikar was born and brought up in Bijapur, Karnataka. He currently lives and works from Mumbai. Aravind has over 13 years experience in client servicing, pre-sales and business development with outsourcing companies. He has worked with Reliance Infocom, eClerx and Cross-Tab. In 2009, he followed his heart and started his own company — Presentit, and as the name suggests he can do almost anything with presentations. A big fan of open-source and Web 2.0 technologies, when not surfing the net for latest developments, Aravind can be found horsing around with his 2 kids — Abhimanyu and Devyani. He has high hopes for his other baby —

Why we do what we do

Having been in touch with the performing artists for many years, we’ve realized that the power of information and communication technology has not yet helped artists to make their mark in the world.

India has a rich tradition of performing arts and the talent that breeds in the cities, towns and villages of India is simply awesome. Singers and musicians, dancers, storytellers, magicians, ventriloquists, puppet artists and many more… the list is endless.

We realized that it is possible for internet to help these artists to grow big by reaching a larger audience. Today, people learn about the artists only through newspapers and word of mouth. These mediums are not enough for the millions of art lovers who are looking for entertainment options worldwide. More and more people are looking for entertaining programs that they can host during celebrations. These entertaining programs add value to the celebrations and make them more memorable. Entertainment programs are becoming an integral part of celebrations whether corporate, family or public.

We want Meetkalakar to become the bridge that will connect the artists and art lovers. We want it to contribute in its own way to the transformation of the performing arts field into a buzzing industry. We want to offer more and more facilities to the artists and group managers to create their brand on the web and reach art lovers worldwide. We also wish to bring novel entertainment options to the people, to make their celebrations more joyous, memorable and meaningful.

Why should you choose us?

The forte of team Meetkalakar is their knowledge of the performing arts domain and their ability to apply technology solutions to the problems faced by the performing arts industry. This team has been involved in developing solutions dedicated to the domain of performing arts.

We understand how difficult it is for the performers to keep their profiles updated as the number of shows goes on increasing. Sharing profile and media files is limited by geographical constraints. Networking is the growing need and is normally done using social networking sites, but they are so many in numbers and updating each is a Herculean task.

You will find Meetkalakar useful in creating your presence on the internet. This can be done using Meetkalakar based websites which are very economical and allow easy updates using Meetkalakar username and password. Subscribe to MeetkalakarConnect, update your profile on Meetkalakar and see your profiles on popular social networks getting automatically updated.

A unique offering of Meetkalakar is its entertainment programs directory. Thus corporate, families and public at large can choose the right entertainment option for their celebration.

What Meetkalakar member artists have to say...

  • We planned the first birthday party for our son Anvit with great enthusiasm only to learn that the party-game-person cannot appear due to health problems! 48 hrs left to find an alternative or inform all invitees! Thanks to Meetkalakar and we did not have to hear "Oh No" from all the little ones we invited. Meetkalakar understood the requirement and had ready options for artists for party games. In fact multiple options. Whoever joined us for the occasion remembers the event till date. Great portal! Keep it up Meetkalakar!!
  • I really appreciate your support and all the great work you are doing. We are happy to support Meetkalakar, you keep us motivated as well! It is a team effort.
  • I am impressed with the design and the format of the meetkalakar web page. Very happy to be associated with it. God bless you...
  • It was a great experience and feeling very wonderful to have my own website done by Meetkalakar. I wish all the best for future to Meetkalakar team for doing such great things for Indian Classical music.
  • Aapkii site dekha bahut badiya merii shubhkamnaye aap ke sath hai rohit "meet"
  • is a very useful website for artists.Because of ur site so many people get more information about various arts and artists.
  • Congratulations to you and the rest of the "meetkalakar" team for such an innovative project.
  • It was a great experience being a part of The response has been overwhelming and very supportive. The quality of service was great and the response was friendly and co-operative. The artists are very creative as regards the designing of the webpages. In short, the concept of meetkalakar is really a very creative and helpful concept for all the upcoming as well as established artists of this generation. Best wishes, Aditya Modak.
  • Hi I am very much satisfied with your service and your management. I was searching for this kind of service at many places but those people took my profile and did nothing with that for 2 months but u people gave it to me in proper time and result.Thanx
  • I am really very glad to get in touch with such nice team named Meetkalakar.They have been working hard for the Musicians.
  • This is Sarfaraaz Khan from Bangalore . I liked our web design very much and I thank Meetkalakar team for this.
  • I have just registered with u. Went through your site and found it nice for the musicians. Thanks and congrats.
  • I am Dhananjay and I am very thankful to Meetkalakar Group for creating a dream platform for us artists. Thanks a lot.
  • I think is an intelligently creative platform for the art lovers for those who have already establihed their position and also for those who wish to the same.
  • Namaskar, I'm son of Ustad Bismillah khan. This site is very useful for artists.
  • असं एक ऑफिस जिथं अगदी जवळच्या माणसाच्या घरी गेल्यासारखं वाटतं, असं ठिकाण जिथं आपल्या मनासारखं काम झालं याच समाधान मिळतं, अशी जागा जिथं आल्यापासून आपली प्रगती झाली असं वाटत रहातं, असा ऑफिस स्टाफ जो आपल्या सूप्त मनाला समजुन घेतो. खंत फक्त एकाच गोष्टीची वाटते की, हे सर्व मला आधी का नाही मिळालं? कदाचित प्रगती किंचित वाढली असती. पण याला मीच जबाबदार आहे कारण मीटकलाकारने माझ्याशी संपर्क साधला होता पण मीच उशीर केला. सहकार्याबद्दल धन्यवाद... संदीप कांबळी.
  • Thanks for suggesting the name of Mr. Datta Ajgaonkar for Katha Kathan at our residence at Thane. We had wonderful time for one & Half Hours . The Artist was very punctual and rendered a very memorable performance.His narration was good, captivating, and was listened with increasing curiosity. We wish Meetkalakar all the success. With best wishes, Pravin Kulkarni [Aarvi Encon]
  • I liked the concept behind your website. I'll like to be a part of Meetkalakar family.
  • My WEBSITE designed by MEETKALAKAR is viewed by people from All Over World including INDIA;I must admit that all liked the aesthetic designning of the WEBSITE.
  • तुम्ही जे काम करत आहात ते कलाकारांसाठी खुप चांगले आहे. असे खुप कलाकार आहेत जे लोकांपर्यंत पोहोचू शकत नाहीत. तुम्ही मीटकलाकारद्वारे इंटरनेट वरून त्यांचं गाणं घरा घरात पोहोचवून त्यांना एक चांगल व्यासपीठ मिळवून देताय. तुमचे हे काम फारच प्रशंसनीय आहे.
  • Many thanks to you and your team of Website made by you is very impressive and attractive.Your prompt reply to clients is admirable. The designing is artistic and contents are well presented. The editing of videos was neatly done and fitted in specified time alloted. I wish huge success to you and your enterprise.
  • Your efforts for helping artists create an online presence is appreciable.
  • Good efforts to reach all artists from different field and to know their achievements through you. Thanks.

About Meetkalakar

Meetkalakar is an Indian product and services company based in Mumbai. Its interests are focussed on the field of performing arts. The various products and services of Meetkalakar mainly benefit performing artists and art lovers.

Meetkalakar was founded in 2009 by Rajashree Rajadhyax and Richa Rajadhyax, with the primary aim of allowing people to browse through profiles of performing artists on the internet. Over years, many new products and services were added. Meetkalakar now has about 2500 eminent artists from the field of music, dance, drama, folk and many other genres as its members.

Meetkalakar founders have expressed their intention of coming up with more and more innovations that will reduce the distance between the artist and art lovers. Know more...

©2010-2013, Meetkalakar Services India Private Limited.
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Recent Updates

  • Ekta Sandbhor
    Recently in 2024, was awarded with “Kala Vagvisvarupini” Title from HTCC Bothell, WA,USA... for Odissi performance.

    Upcoming performance: Performing for Saraswati puja on Basant Panchami at Redmond, WA. ( on 2/2/2025 Sunday).
  • Rahul Srivastava
    My New Show in Guwahati (asaam)
  • Kalamandalam Sheeba Krishnakumar
    Coming Soon: "Bharatarnava" - A Journey into Timeless Wisdom Discover the timeless wisdom and profound insights of the classical Sanskrit text by Nandikeswara, "Bharatarnava," now accessible to Malayalam readers. Translated by the renowned performing artist Dr. Kalamandalam Sheeba Krishnakumar, this work brings the ancient heritage of Indian classical dance to life. Stay tuned for the release of this landmark publication! 
  • Kalamandalam Sheeba Krishnakumar
Please note: All Content (Unless produced by Meetkalakar) names and brand names mentioned are property of their respective owners. They have been published by content owners. All of this content remains property of their respective holders, and in no way indicates any relationship between Meetkalakar and the holders of said trademarks. Meetkalakar is a technology platform that enables artists reach out their audiences.


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