Pt. Sudhir Gautam has remarkable command both on rhythm and variations of laya. His depth handling , purity of Ragas , colorful Tanas with patterns of single notes played with single stroke and exotic Jhala and depth and elegance in Alaap, Jod and Jhala are praiseworthy too. He has played several duets with credit all over India & abroad.
He is 'A' grade Santoor Vadak of A.I.R. and his Santoor recital are being regularly broadcast and telecast from A.I.R. & T.V. respectively.
Recently he has visited Rome , Belgium ,Japan , Thailand and Dubai and given numberless Santoor recital at various part in the above countries. Recently in Belgium he has taken part in music concert organized by Mr. Dirk Brasse , a great musician and composer of the theme of Orchestra – The 9 Seasons.
In 2006 , he took part in Indo- Japanese Music Tour organized by Indo-Japan Music Inter- Exchange Association in Japan which was organized by Mr. T.M.Hoffman , a renowed musician and composer of both Indian as well as Japanese music.