Amruta recorded her first song ‘ Nar-vara Krishna Saman’ a Naytageet at the age of three at Pune Akashwani Kendra. She recorded English Albums for ‘East light’ and ‘Temple tree’ composed by Australian composer Kelvin Brown. Amrita hosted a musical show on ETV Marathi Channel ‘Saptasur – Ek Sargam’ in 2003-04. Amruta has many prestigious performances to her credit. To name a few are ‘The Brian Silas Show’ aired on Sahara Manoranjan Channel, show Gao Mere Sang as lead singer with Anu Kapoor for the Dubai based channel ‘Jeeyo’ which is aired in Pakistan, Gulf and Europe, with Milind Ingale for the musical show ‘Garwa’ produced by Avnish Productions, etc. She has participated in the program 'Waar Pariiwar' on Sony television, hosted by Urmila Matondkar She performs in various programs on Zee Marathi, Star Maaza, Doordarshan Sahyadri, Saam, Star Pravah. Amruta sung the song Jai Amba in a album released in Germany.