Jagadamb Mumbai Dhol Taasha Pathak establised in 25 dec 2013.They Includes Minimum 30 Dhol Maximum 100 Dhol. JAGADAMB, MUMBAI’was born out of a dream - the dream seen by three aspiring, restless but socially and culturally charged youngsters. Dream was to start a ‘DHOL TASHAA PATHAK’of their own, an idea not unique by itself, as there were many such groups in Mumbai. But these youngsters had decided to create something different. Fire in their belly forced them to walk towards their dream. They mentioned this to their friends and many responded positively. This group discussed this idea over many cups of tea and many hours under the street lamps till the wee hours of morning. The collective wisdom formed the basic idea of ‘JAGADAMB, MUMBAI’.Idea was to create a group and the income earned from its performances should be used for social and cultural activities. This idea received a thumping response from hundreds of likeminded pals.This group Performed in Festival like Ganeshutsav, Navratri, Makarsankranti,Diwali.Also Performing Many vents.