DhiraSankarabharanam Ragam

   About DhiraSankarabharanam Ragam

Sankarabharanam or DhiraSankarabharanam Ragam

DhiraSankarabharanam, commonly known as Sankarabharanam, is a raga in Carnatic music. It is the 29th melakarta raga in the 72 melakarta raga system of Carnatic music. Since this raga has many Gamakas (ornamentations), it is glorified as 'Sarva Gamaka maanika Rakti Ragam'.

By scale wise, the Sankarabharanam scale corresponds to Bilaval in the Hindustani music system. The Western equivalent is the major scale, or the Ionian mode. Hence this raga is one of the most popular scales across the world, known with different names in different musical styles.

Its nature is mellifluous and smooth. This raga offers a large scope for compositions. It is ideal for a melodious, but still laid back majestic presentation.

Janya 1: Ragam Pahadi/Pahari
It is an evening raga that combines both playful and pensive aspects. It is characterized by a very charming, folksy flavor.Peace, power, pathos. Pahadi is a Kashimiri folk melody in its origin, is a simple raga one may think of it as a dhoon.

Janya 2:Ragam maand
mand or maand is the famous style of singing in Rajasthan. It is well recognized in classical circles and this style is very important in folk-songs of Rajasthan. This is neither accepted as a full-fledged Raga nor is it reckoned among the freely rendered folk songs. It is very near the Thumri or the Ghazal. It is the exclusive contribution of Rajasthani folklore to the classical music of India. It is the Rajasthan's most sophisticated style of folk music and is most exclusive contribution to the classical music of India. The basic format belongs to the folk tune of which is sung during festive occasions like birthday and marriages. The famous Rajasthani song Kesariya Balam is in the mand style. Some famous mand singers are: allah Jilai Bai from Bikaner, mangi Bai arya from Udaipur and last but not the least Gavari Bai (also known as Gavri Devi) from Jodhpur.


   Raga structure of DhiraSankarabharanam

Samkarabharanam scale with shadjam at C
It is the 5th raga in the 5th Chakra Bana. The mnemonic name is Bana-ma. The mnemonic phrase is sa ri ga ma pa da ni sa

Arohana: S R2 G3 m1 P D2 N3 S'
Avarohana: S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

The notes in this scale are shadjam, chatushruti rishabham, antara gandharam, shuddha madhyamam, panchamam, chatushruti dhaivatam and Kakali Nishadam. as it is a melakarta raga, by definition it is a Sampurna raga. It is the Shuddha madhyamam equivalent of 65th melakarta raga Kalyani.

Janya Ragas

Due to the even spacing of svaras, many janya ragas can be derived from Sankarabharanam. It is one of the melakarta ragas that has high number of Janya ragas associated with it. many of the Janya ragas are very popular on their own, lending themselves to elaboration, interpretation and evoking different moods. Some of them are arabhi, atana, Bilahari, Devagaandhaari, Jana Ranjani, Hamsadhvani, Kadanakutuhalam, Niroshta, Shuddha Saveri, Pahadi, Purnachandrika, Janaranjani, Kedaram, Kurinji, Navroj, Sarasvati-manohari, Naagadhvani etc.

S R2 G3 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P G3 R2 S

S R2 m1 P D2 S
S R2 m1 P D2 S'   

S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S
S D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 m1 P N2 S'   
S' N2 D2 P m1 G2 m1 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 P m1 R2 P S'  
S' N3 P m1 R2 G3 m1 R2 S

S G3 R2 G3 m1 P D2 P S'  
S' N2 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S G3 m1 P N3 D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

Behag Deshikam   
S R2 G3 m1 m2 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m2 m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 P D2 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 S P S'   
S' P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 P S'   
S' N3 P m1 G3 m1 R2 S

S P m1 P D2 P N3 R2 S'   
S' D2 P m1 P D2 P G3 m1 R2 S

S R1 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R1 S

S R2 m1 P D2 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 S

S R2 m1 P D2 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 m1 G3 m1 N3 P D2 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' D2 P G3 R2 S

S R2 m1 P D2 S'   
S' N3 m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 P N3 S'   
S' N3 P G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 m1 G3 R2 S

N3 S D2 N3 S G3 G3 m1 D2 N3 S'  
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

Hindustani Behag   
S G3 m1 P N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

Jana Ranjani   
S R2 G3 m1 P D2 P N3 S'   
S' D2 P m1 R2 S

P D2 N3 S R2 G3 m1 P   
m1 G3 R2 S N3 D2 P m1

S G3 m1 D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 m1 m1 G3 m1 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 P m1 D2 N3 S'  
S' N3 S D2 P m1 G3 m1 G3 m1 R2 S

S R2 m1 D2 N3 G3 P S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S m1 G3 m1 P N3 S'   
S' N3 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 P m1 G3 m1 R2 S

S P m1 G3 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S N3 S R2 G3 m1 P D2   
D2 P m1 G3 R2 S N3 S

S G3 R2 G3 m1 P N3 P D2 N3 S'   
S' D2 N3 D2 m1 G3 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 m1 N3 D2 P N3 S'  
 S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 P D2 S'   
S' D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S G3 m1 D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N2 P m1 P G3 m1 R2 S

S R2 G3 P D2 S'   
S' N3 P D2 P G3 R2 S

S R2 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' D2 P m1 R2 S

S R2 S m1 G3 m1 P N3 D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 N3 P m1 G3 S

S R2 m1 G3 R2 G3 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

P D2 N3 S R2 G3 m1 P   
m1 G1 R3 S N2 D2 P

S R2 G3 m1 P D2 P N3 S'   
S' N3 P m1 G3 R2 G3 S

S R2 G3 D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 P D2 P D2 S   
N3 D2 P G3 m1 G3 R2 S N3 D2 P D2 S

S R2 G3 m1 P D2 P S'   
S' N3 P m1 R2 G3 m1 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 P N3 D2 N3 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 N3 P m1 G3 R2 S

S G3 R2 G3 S R2 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 P S'   
S' P m1 G3 R2 S

S G3 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 S

Saranga mallar   
S R2 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 R2 S N3 S

S G3 P S'   
S' N3 D2 P G3 P R2 G3 S

S R2 G3 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N2 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 P N3 D2 S N3   
S D2 P G3 R2 S

S G3 P N3 S'   
S' N3 P G3 S

S m1 P D2 S'   
S' N3 D2 m1 P m1 G3 R2 S

Sindhu mandari   
S R2 G3 m1 P S'   
S' N3 D2 P G3 m1 P m1 R2 S

Suddha malavi   
S R2 G3 m1 P N3 S'   
S' D2 N3 P m1 G3 R2 S

Suddha Sarang   
S R2 G3 m1 P D2 N3 D2 S'   
S' D2 P m1 R2 G3 R2 S

Suddha Saveri   
S R2 m1 P D2 S'   
S' D2 P m1 R2 S

Suddha Vasantha   
S R2 G3 m1 P N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 N3 P m1 G3 S

S R2 G3 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P G3 R2 S

S G3 P R2 m1 D2 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S G3 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 P G3 S

S R2 G3 m1 P D2 N3 S'   
S' N3 D2 N3 D2 P m1 P G3 m1 R2 S

 S R2 m1 P N3 S'   
S' D2 P m1 R2 S

S G3 m1 P N3 S'   
S' N3 P m1 G3 S

S G3 m1 P D2 S'   
S' N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

S R2 G3 m1 P N3 S'  
S' N3 P m1 G3 R2 S

Janya 1:Ragam Pahadi/Pahari

Ascending: S R2 G3 P D2 P D2 S’

Descending:N3 D2 P G3 m1 G3 R2 S N3 D2 P D2 S

Janya 2:Ragam maand

Ascending: S G3 m1 D2 N3 S

Descending:S N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2 S

Janya 3:Ragam Begada

Ascending: S G3 R2 G3 m1 P D2 P S

Descending:S N3 D2 P m1 G3 R2

   External Videos of DhiraSankarabharanam Ragam

   Songs based on Raga Dhira Sankarabharanam

Tamil Film Songs

  1. Chandrodhayam Idhile - Kannagi - S. V. Venkatraman - P. U. Chinnappa
  2. madi meethu - annai Illam - K V mahadevan - T. m. Soundararajan, P. Susheela
  3. Konji Konji Pesi - Kaithi Kannayiram - P. Susheela
  4. manam Padaithen - Kandhan Karunai
  5. aththaan En aththaan - Paava mannippu - Viswanathan Ramamoorthy
  6. Kaadhellenum Vadivam Kanden - Bhagyalakshmi
  7. Kaana Vandha Kaatchiyenna
  8. Enna Enna Vaarththaigalo - Vennira aadai
  9. Ore Raagam Ore Thaalam - manapanthal
  10. Kaatru Vandhal - Kathiruntha Kangal - P. B. Sreenivas, P. Susheela
  11. Kanpadume Pirar Kanpadume - P. B. Sreenivas
  12. Paadadha Paatellam - Veerathirumagan
  13. maadi mele maadikati - Kadhalikka Neramillai
  14. Enna Paarvai - K. J. Yesudas, P. Susheela
  15. Kaadhalika Neramillai - Sirkazhi Govindarajan
  16. Roja malare Raajakumari - Veerathirumagan - P. B. Sreenivas, P. Susheela
  17. Poga Poga Theriyum - Server Sundaram
  18. andru Vandhadhum - Periya Idathu Penn - T. m. Soundararajan, P. Susheela
  19. Naan maanthoppil - Enga Veettu Pillai
  20. aandavan Padachan - Nichaya Thaamboolam - T. m. Soundararajan
  21. adho andha Paravai Pola - aayirathil Oruvan
  22. Naan Kavignanum Ilai - Padithal mattum Podhuma
  23. moondrezhuthil En moochu - Dheiva Thaai
  24. Kadhal Embadhu - Paadha Kaanikkai - P. B. Sreenivas, P. Susheela, L. R. Eswari, J. P. Chandrababu
  25. Epo Vechikalam - Bandha Pasam - J. P. Chandrababu
  26. Enna Paravai Sirakadithu - Karthigai Deepam - R. Sudarsanam - T. m. Soundararajan(ver 1), P. Susheela(ver 2)
  27. Pudhu Naadagathil - Ooty Varai Uravu - m. S. Viswanathan - T. m. Soundararajan
  28. Kettavarellam Paadalam - Thangai
  29. anubhavi Raja anubhavi - anubavi Raja anubavi - P. Susheela, L. R. Eswari
  30. maanendru Pennukoru - P. Susheela
  31. Naan Paadum Paatile - Bhavani
  32. Love Birds - anbe Vaa
  33. maharaja Oru maharaani - Iru malargal - T. m. Soundararajan, Shoba Chandrasekhar
  34. Enni Irundhadhu (Ragam Neelambari Touches)
  35. andha 7 Naatkal - malaysia Vasudevan, Vani Jairam
  36. Vidiya Vidiya Solli - Pokkiri Raja - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, P. Susheela
  37. Dil Dil Dil manadhil - mella Thirandhathu Kadhavu
  38. aadungal Paadungal - Guru - Ilaiyaraaja - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
  39. Pudhucheri Katcheri - Singaravelan
  40. Thene Thenpaandi - Udaya Geetham
  41. Nilaave Vaa - mouna Ragam
  42. Yerikkarai Poongaatre Nee Pora Vazhi - Thooral Ninnu Pochchu - K. J. Yesudas
  43. Thaalattudhe Vaanam - Kadal meengal - P. Jayachandran, S. Janaki
  44. Pudhu maapilaiku - apoorva Sagodharargal - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, S. P. Sailaja
  45. aalapol Vellapol - Ejamaan - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, K. S. Chithra
  46. Paarthathenna Paarvai - Naangal
  47. Indha minminiku - Sigappu Rojakkal - malaysia Vasudevan, S. Janaki
  48. malaiyaala Karaiyoram - Rajadhi Raja - mano
  49. Germaniyin Senthen malare - Ullasa Paravaigal - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, S. Janaki
  50. anjali anjali anjali - anjali - Sathya, Karthik Raja, Yuvan Shankar Raja,
  51. Bhavatharini, Venkat Prabhu, Premji amaran, Parthi Bhaskar,Hari Bhaskar,Vaishnavi
  52. Kanmani anbodu Kadhalan - Gunaa - Kamal Haasan, S. Janaki
  53. Kuzhaloodhum Kannanukku - mella Thirandhathu Kadhavu - K. S. Chithra
  54. Dillu Baru Jaane - Kalaignan - mano, K. S. Chithra
  55. Nila Kaayum Neeram - Chembaruthi - mano, S. Janaki
  56. Pattu Poove
  57. april mayilae - Idhayam - Ilaiyaraaja, Deepan Chakravarthy, S.N.Surendar
  58. Naan Erikarai - Chinna Thayee - K. J. Yesudas, Swarnalatha, Ilaiyaraaja(Pathos)
  59. O Vennila - Kadhal Desam - a. R. Rahman - Unni Krishnan
  60. Kandukondain Kandukondain(Ragam Nalinakanthi Touches also) - Kandukondain Kandukondain - Hariharan, mahalakshmi Iyer
  61. aalala Kanda (charanam in Charukesi, mazhai thuli in hariKambhoji) - Sangamam - Hariharan, m. S. Vishwanathan
  62. Ini achcham achcham Illai - Indira - Sujatha mohan, anuradha Sriram, G. V. Prakash, Shweta mohan, Esther
  63. Thoda Thoda malarndhadhenna - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, K. S. Chithra
  64. Kangalil Enne - Uzhavan
  65. Pennalla Pennalla - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
  66. moongilile Paatisaikum Kaatralaiyai - Raagam Thedum Pallavi - T. Rajendar
  67. mazhaiyum Neeye - azhagan - maragadha mani
  68. Sa Sa Sa Sani thapa niveathaa - Nee Pathi Naan Pathi
  69. Naadodi Paattu Paada - Harichandra - agosh
  70. Enna Kathai Solla - annanagar mudhal Theru - Chandrabose - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, K. S. Chithra
  71. Vanampadi Padum Neram - Ellame En Thangachi - Shankar Ganesh
  72. Oh Nenje - Darling, Darling, Darling - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, S. P. Charan,Pallavi, Vasanth
  73. Shenbaga Poovai - Paasamalargal - V. S. Narasimhan - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, Sujatha mohan
  74. Nalam Nalamariya aval - Kadhal Kottai - Deva - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, anuradha Sriram
  75. Vetri Nichayam - annaamalai - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
  76. Pulveli Pulveli - aasai - K. S. Chithra, Unni Krishnan(Humming only)
  77. Yeno Yeno - appu - Hariharan, Sujatha, Harini
  78. Sollathae - Sollamale - Bobby - Hariharan, K. S. Chithra
  79. Unnodu Vaazhadha - amarkalam - Bharadwaj - K. S. Chithra
  80. aval Ulaghazhagi - Lesa Lesa - Harris Jayaraj - Karthik
  81. Enna Ithu Enna Ithu - Nala Damayanthi - Ramesh Vinayakam - Ramesh Vinayakam, Chinmayi
  82. Naan Nee - madras - Santhosh Narayanan - Shakthisree Gopalan, Dhee
  83. Rakita Rakita Rakita - Jagame Thanthiram - Dhanush, Santhosh Narayanan

Tamil Film Songs in Janya 1:Ragam Pahadi/Pahari

  1. Kodi Kodi Inbam - aadavantha Deivam - K. V. mahadevan - T. R. mahalingam, P. Susheela, P. Leela
  2. Unnai arinthaal - Vettaikkaran - T. m. Soundararajan
  3. Katti Thangam Vetti - Thayai Katha Thanayan
  4. Neela Chelai Katti Konda - Thiruvilaiyadal - P. Susheela
  5. aththai magane - Paadha Kaanikkai - Viswanathan Ramamoorthy
  6. Kannuku Kulam Yedu - Karnan
  7. Thannilavu Theniraikka - Padithal mattum Podhuma
  8. Pakkathu Veettu Paruva machaan - Karpagam
  9. Vaa Endrathu - Kathiruntha Kangal
  10. Ponnai Virumbum - aalayamani - T. m. Soundararajan
  11. Yaar Yaar aval - Pasamalar - P. B. Sreenivas, P. Susheela
  12. Thulli Thirintha - Kathiruntha Kangal - P. B. Sreenivas
  13. Naadu athai Naadu - Nadodi - T. m. Soundararajan, P. Susheela
  14. manam Ennum medai mele - Vallavanukku Vallavan - Vedha
  15. Innum Parthukondirunthal - Vallavan Oruvan
  16. Ponmeni Thazhuvamal(Reused tune) - Yaar Nee? - P. Susheela
  17. Pachai maram Ontru - Ramu - m. S. Viswanathan
  18. Ippadiyor Thalattu - avargal - S. Janaki
  19. Vizhiye Kathai Ezhudhu - Urimaikural - K. J. Yesudas, P. Susheela
  20. Thenaatrankaraiyinile - Uttharavindri Ulle Vaa - L. R. Eswari
  21. Bharathi Kannamma - Ninaithale Inikkum - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, Vani Jairam
  22. Ore Jeevan - Neeya? - Shankar Ganesh
  23. Pullankuzhal mozhi Tamil - Oorum Uravum
  24. Ore Naal Unnai Naan - Ilamai Oonjal aadukirathu - Ilaiyaraaja
  25. Vaan megangale - Puthiya Vaarpugal - malaysia Vasudevan, S. Janaki
  26. Pani Vizhum Poo Nilave - Thaipongal - malaysia Vasudevan, S. P. Sailaja
  27. alli Thantha Bhoomi - Nandu - malaysia Vasudevan
  28. Vizhiyil En Vizhiyil - Ram Lakshman - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, P. Susheela
  29. Oru Iniya manathu - Johnny - Sujatha mohan
  30. azhagae azhagu - Raja Paarvai - K. J. Yesudas
  31. magizham Poove Unnai Parthu - Puthiya adimaigal - K. J. Yesudas, P. Susheela
  32. Ramanin mohanam - Netrikkan - K. J. Yesudas, S. Janaki
  33. Engey Enn Jeevane - Uyarndha Ullam
  34. Chinna Chinna Sol Eduthu - Rajakumaran
  35. Seer Kondu Vaa - Naan Paadum Paadal - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, S. Janaki
  36. mounamana Neram - Salangai Oli
  37. Salaiyoram - Payanangal mudivathillai
  38. Nilavondru Kanden - Kairasikkaran
  39. Kannil Enna - Un Kannil Neer Vazhindal
  40. Vaa Vennila - mella Thirandhathu Kadhavu
  41. Vaigai Nathioram - Rickshaw mama
  42. Koondukulla Unna Vachu - Chinna Gounder
  43. Nadu Samathile - Thirumathi Palanisamy
  44. Kuthalakuyile Kuthalakuyile - malaysia Vasudevan, minmini
  45. Ennodu Paattu Paadungal - Udaya Geetham - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
  46. Poguthae Poguthae - Kadalora Kavithaigal
  47. Yedhedho Ennam Valarthen - Punnagai mannan - K. S. Chithra
  48. Ninaitthathu Yaro - Paattukku Oru Thalaivan - mano, Jikki
  49. Indha maan Unthan Sontha maan - Karakattakkaran - Ilaiyaraaja, K. S. Chithra
  50. Vechalum Vekkama Ponnalum - michael madana Kama Rajan - malaysia Vasudevan, S. Janaki
  51. Dhoori Dhoori manathil Oru Dhoori - Innisai mazhai - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, Shoba Chandrasekhar
  52. Oru Kolakili Sonnathey - Pon Vilangu - P. Jayachandran,Sunandha
  53. Kezhukkaale Sevathu - Nattupura Pattu - arunmozhi, Devie Neithiyar
  54. Poovarasan Poove - Kadavul - arunmozhi, Sujatha mohan
  55. Poo Poothadu - mumbai Xpress - Sonu Nigam, Shreya Ghoshal, Shaan
  56. Pungatru Un Peru Solla - Vettri Vizhaa - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, K. S. Chithra
  57. marugo marugo
  58. adi Vaanmathi - Siva
  59. Ennatthil Yedho - Kallukkul Eeram - S. Janaki
  60. Raasave Unna Nambi - muthal mariyathai
  61. Thanner Kudam - Sakkarai Devan
  62. alli alli Veesuthama - atha maga Rathiname - Gangai amaran
  63. Yedho Nadakkirathu - manithan - Chandrabose - K. J. Yesudas, K. S. Chithra
  64. Neela Kuyilgal Rendu - Viduthalai - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, Chandrabose and chorus
  65. medhuva meduva - annanagar mudhal Theru - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, K. S. Chithra
  66. manasula Enna Nenache - Periya Idathu Pillai - K. J. Yesudas, P. Susheela
  67. mela mela Nadanthu - Urimai Geetham - manoj Gyan - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam,Vidhya
  68. Thulli Thulli Pogum Penne - Velicham - K. J. Yesudas
  69. Kangala minnala - Endrendrum Kadhal - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, K. S. Chithra
  70. O Thendrale - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
  71. megam andha megam - aayiram Pookkal malarattum - V. S. Narasimman
  72. maiyil Thogai - Ragasiya Police - Laxmikant Pyarelal
  73. Innum Konjam - maryan - a. R. Rahman - Vijay Prakash, Swetha mohan
  74. Chitthirai Nilavu - Vandicholai Chinraasu - P. Jayachandran, minmini
  75. Hosanna - Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa - Vijay Prakash, Suzanne, Blaaze
  76. moongil Thottam - Kadal - abhay Jodhpurkar, Harini
  77. Enakke Enakka - Jeans - P. Unnikrishnan, Pallavi
  78. Unakaga (Ragam Bihag touches also)
  79. Bigil - Sreekanth Hariharan, madhura Dhara Talluri
  80. adhikaalai Naan Paadum Boopalamea - Pudhu Padagan - S.Thanu - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, K. S. Chithra
  81. Kathivaithu Kangal Irandum - mannavaru Chinnavaru - Geethapriyan - Sukhwinder Singh,Ranjani
  82. Un Per Solla - minsara Kanna - Deva - Hariharan, Sujatha mohan
  83. Thoongu moonchi - Surieyan - S. Janaki, S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
  84. Oh Laali - adimai Changili - Gopal Sharma, Swarnalatha
  85. Oru Pen Pura - annaamalai - K. J. Yesudas
  86. aasai aasaiyai - aanandham - S. a. Rajkumar
  87. Poonthendrale Nee Padivaa - manasukkul mathappu - P. Jayachandran,Sunandha(ver 1)
  88. K. S. Chithra(ver 2)
  89. Oru Pouranami - Raja - Hariharan, mahalakshmi Iyer
  90. Irupathu Kodi Nilavugal - Thulladha manamum Thullum - Hariharan
  91. maankutty maankutty - Priyamaana Thozhi - Hariharan, Sujatha mohan
  92. Nadodi mannargale - Vaaname Ellai - maragadha mani - K. S. Chithra & Chorus
  93. Pachchai Thee Neeyada - Baahubali: The Beginning - Karthik, Damini Bhatla
  94. Enge andha Vennila - Varushamellam Vasantham - Sirpy - Unni menon
  95. Putham Puthu Oorukku - Chinna madam
  96. Kannil aadum Roja - Captain - Swarnalatha, S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
  97. Puthu Roja Puthiruchu - Gokulam - mano, Swarnalatha
  98. azhagooril Poothvale - Thirumalai - Vidyasagar - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, Sujatha mohan
  99. Hitler Penne - Poi - Tippu, Sujatha mohan
  100. Eera Nila - aravindhan - Yuvan Shankar Raja - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam,'mahanadhi' Shobana
  101. Oh mane mane maane - Rishi - Hariharan(ver 1), Sujatha mohan(ver 2)
  102. Thendrale Pesum Thendrale - Chandralekha(1994) - m.S.Geethan - K. S. Chithra, mano
  103. Poove Vai Pesum Pothu - 12B - Harris Jayaraj - mahalakshmi Iyer, Harish Raghavendra
  104. Pineaple Kannathodu - Samudhiram - Sabesh murali - Shankar mahadevan, Sujatha mohan
  105. azhagu Katteri - Goripalayam - Surjith, Vijitha
  106. may madham - Shahjahan - mani Sharma - Devan, Sujatha mohan
  107. aiythaaney aiythaaney - mudhal Idam - D. Imman - D. Imman, Chinmayi

Tamil Film Songs in Janya 2:Ragam maand
  1. maasila Nilave (Ragamalika:maand,Khambodhi,Punnagavarali)
  2. ambikapathy - G. Ramanathan - T. m. Soundararajan, P. Bhanumathi
  3. Ulavum Thendral - manthiri Kumari - Thiruchi Loganathan, Jikki
  4. aaduvome Pallu Paaduvome - Naam Iruvar - R. Sudarsanam - D. K. Pattammal
  5. aayiram Kan Podhadhu - Paavai Vilakku - K. V. mahadevan - C. S. Jayaraman
  6. Oru Naal Podhuma - Thiruvilaiyadal - m. Balamuralikrishna
  7. Kumari Pennin - Enga Veettu Pillai - Viswanathan Ramamoorthy - T. m. Soundararajan, P. Susheela
  8. Nenjam marappathillai - Nenjam marappathillai - P. B. Sreenivas, P. Susheela
  9. azhage Vaa - aandavan Kattalai - P. Susheela
  10. aayiram Penmai malaratume - Vaazhkai Padagu
  11. aayiram Pookkal - aayiram Pookkal malarattum - V.S.Narasimhan
  12. Kadhal Enbathu - Naalai Namadhe - m. S. Viswanathan - K. J. Yesudas, P. Susheela
  13. Naan Endral adhu avalum - Suryagandhi - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, J. Jayalalithaa
  14. Nadanai Kandeanadi (Ragam kathanakuthuhalam touches in charanam)
  15. Rajaraja Cholan - Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan - P. Susheela,B. Radha
  16. Raasaave Unna Naan Ennithan - Thanikattu Raja - Ilayaraja - S. P. Sailaja
  17. Kungumam Thaane Oru Pennukku - Raja Enga Raja
  18. Chellapillai Saravanan - Penjenmam - K. J. Yesudas, P. Susheela
  19. Kuyiley Kuyiley - Pulan Visaranai - K. J. Yesudas, Uma Ramanan
  20. Yele Ilankiliye & Singara Cheemaiyile - Ninaivu Chinnam - P. Susheela(ver 1), Ilayaraja(ver 2)
  21. Dhoori Dhoori - Thendral Sudum - S. Janaki, Yuvan Shankar Raja, Bhavatharini, P. Susheela(Pathos)
  22. Vanna Chindhu - Koyil Kaalai - mano, S. Janaki
  23. adichen Kadhal Parisu - Ponmana Selvan - mano, K. S. Chitra
  24. machan Un machini - Raman abdullah - malgudi Subha
  25. Chinna Kuyil Paadum Pattu - Poove Poochooda Vaa - K. S. Chitra
  26. Vaanaththil Irunthu (Ragamalika:mohanam,maand)
  27. Vellaiya Thevan - arunmozhi, Uma Ramanan
  28. Sinagarama Nalla (in charanam)
  29. Periya marudhu - Uma Ramanan
  30. aalappol Velappol (Ragam Shankarabharanam touches also)
  31. Ejamaan - S. P. Balasubramaniam, K. S. Chitra
  32. anjali anjali - Duet - a. R. Rahman
  33. maanooththu manthaiyile - Kizhakku Cheemayile - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, Sasirekha
  34. Sowkiyama Kannae - Sangamam - Nithyashree mahadevan
  35. Swasame Swasame (Ragamalika:Kedar/Hamirkalyani,maand)
  36. Thenali - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, Sadhana Sargam
  37. Khwaja Endhan Khwaja - Jodhaa akbar - a. R. Rahman
  38. aye mr.minor! - Kaaviya Thalaivan - Shashaa Tirupati, Haricharan
  39. maya maya - Sarvam Thaala mayam - Chinmayi
  40. O meghame - Chinna Chinna aasaigal - Chandrabose - K. J. Yesudas, Vani Jairam
  41. Sathi malli Poocharame - azhagan - maragadha mani - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
  42. marakamudiyavillai - Jaathi malli - S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, K. S. Chitra
  43. Paithiyamaanene - Kadal Pookkal - Deva - Harini, P. Unnikrishnan
  44. Putham Pudhu malargal - Kaalamellam Kadhal Vaazhga - K. S. Chitra
  45. Kaddu Thirande Kidakinrathu - Vasool Raja mBBS - Bharadwaj - Hariharan, Sadhana Sargam
  46. Narayana Narayana - Ramanujan - Ramesh Vinayakam - Vani Jayaram, Karthik Suresh
  47. Sandana Poongatrae - azhagiya Theeye - Lavanya, Ramesh Vinayakam
  48. Yaaroodum - Sollakkathai - Chinmayi, Ramesh Vinayakam
  49. Un Kannanguzhiyil - Thittam Irandu - Satish Raghunathan - Karthika Vaidyanathan
Tamil Film Songs in Janya 3:Ragam Begada
  1. Nijama Idhu Nijama - Haridas - Papanasam Sivan - m. K. Thyagaraja Bhagavathar

   Compositions in Raga DhiraSankarabharanam

Sankarabharanam has been decorated with compositions by almost all composers. a few of the compositions are listed here.

Chalamela,a popular adathaalavarnam by maharaja Swathi Thirunal in Telugu
Nrityati Nrityati By Swati Thirunal
Eduta Nilacite, Bhakti Bhik?amiyave, maryada Kadura, Svararagasudharasa, SundareSvaruni, manasu Svadhinamaina and Emduku Peddalavale by Tyagaraja in Telugu.
  1. Dak?hinamurte, SadaSivam Upasmahe, ak?hayalimgavibho and Sri kamalamba by muthuswami Dikshitar in Sanskrit
  2. Pogadirelo Ranga (6th Navaratna malike), Kande naa kanasinali, Enagu aane by Purandara Dasa in Kannada
  3. Yenu Olle Hariye By Kanaka Dasa
  4. Sarojadala Netri and Devi minanetri by Syama Sastri in Telugu
  5. Devi Jagath Janani,Bhaktha Paraayana by Swathi Thirunal maharaja in Sanskrit
  6. Rajeevaksha Baro By Swati Thirunal in Kannada
  7. alarulu Kuriyaga a?inade by annamacharya in Telugu
  8. Samakarardha Sariirini by Saint Gnanananda Teertha (Ogirala Veeraraghava Sarma) in Telugu
  9. muthuswami Dikshitar also has a list of 22 'Nottu Svara' compositions, based on Western major Scale notes to his credit.
Janya 2:Ragam maand
  1. maand Thillana by Lalgudi Jayaraman
  2. Paindhaane Hanuman by arunachala Kavi
  3. Ramanai Bhajithaal by Papanasam Sivan
  4. aadugindraan Kannan by Suddhanandha Bharathi
  5. muralidhara Gopala by Periyasamy Thooran popularised by mL Vasanthakumari
  6. aarumo aaval by Kannan Iyengar, another song popularised by mLV
  7. Neeraja Dhala Nayana by Sambasiva Iyer popularised by maharajapuram Santhanam
  8. Vaanathin meedhu mayilaada by Ramalinga adigal popularised by mS Subbulakshmi
Janya 3:Ragam Begada
  1. Naadopasana, Nee pada pankaja by Thyagaraja
  2. Thyagaraja namasthe and vallabha nayakasya by Dikshitar
  3. Varuvar azhaithu vaadi, an arutpa by Ramalinga adigal
  4. Ganarasamudan nin, bhuvaneshwari by Papanasam Sivan
  5. Vaa muruga Vaa by Spencer Venugopal
  6. Nandri kooruvame by T Lakshmana Pillai
  7. Shankari neeve by Subbaraya Sastri
  8. Kalayami raghuramam by Swati Thirunal
  9. Kadaikkan vaithennai by Ramasamy Sivan
  10. abimanamennadu galgu, manasuna nera by Patnam Subramaniya Iyer
  11. Elle ilangiliye, a Thiruppavai

   Related Ragas of DhiraSankarabharanam

Samkarabharanam's notes when shifted using Graha bhedam, yields 5 other major melakarta ragas, namely, Kalyani, Hanumatodi, Natabhairavi, Kharaharapriya and Harikambhoji. Graha bhedam is the step taken in keeping the relative note frequencies same, while shifting the shadjam to the next note in the raga. Refer table below for illustration of this concept.

Raga                          - mela # - C -  - D -  - E -   F -  - G -  - A-  - B -  C -  - D -  - E -    F -  - G - -A -  - B  - C
Samkarabharanam -       29 -      S -  - R2 - G3 - m1 -   P -  - D2 - N3 - S' -  R2' -  G3' -  m1' -  P' - D2' - N3' - S' 
Kharaharapriya -            22 -         -  -  S -- R2 - G2 -  m1 - - P -  D2 - N2 - S' -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Hanumatodi -                 08 -         -  -  -  -   S -  R1 -  G2 - - m1 - P -   D1 - N2 -  S' -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Kalyani -                        65 -         -  -  -  -  -       S - -  R2 -   G3 - m2 - P -  D2 -  N3 -   S' -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Harikambhoji -               28 -         -  -  -  -  -  -  -          S -    R2 - G3 - m1 - P -   D2 -   N2 -  - S' -  -  -  -  - 
Natabhairavi -                20 -         -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -            S -   R2 - G2 - m1 -  P -    D1 -  - N2 - S' -  -  - 
Not a melakarta -           -- -           -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -             S -   R1 - G2 -  m1 -  m2 -  - D1 -N2 -   S' - 
Shankarabharanam -      29 -         -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -                  S -  -R2 -  G3 -  m1 -  - P -  D2 -  N3 - S'

Notes on above table

C as the base for Samkarabharanam is chosen for above illustration only for convenience, as Carnatic music does not enforce strict frequency/note structure. The shadjam (S) is fixed by the artist as per the vocal range or the instrument's base frequency. all the other svarams are relative to this shadjam, falling into a geometric progression-like frequency pattern.

The 7th Graha bhedam of Samkarabharanam has both madhyamams (ma) and no panchamam (Pa) and hence will not be considered a valid melakarta (raga having all 7 swarams and only 1 of each). This is only a classification issue with respect to melakarta scales, while this structure could be theoretically used well to create good music.

Interesting features
The swaras are regularly spaced in these ragas. Hence these six ragas give very good melody, scope for elaboration, experimentation and exploration of phrases. In practice, Natabhairavi is not elaborated extensively much. Harikambhoji is taken up for elaboration, but not as much as the rest of the 4 ragas, namely, Samkarabharanam, Todi, Kalyani and Kharaharapriya. One of these 4 ragas is sung as the main raga in a concert quite often.

As can be seen in the illustration, these ragas can be played using just the white keys of a piano/ organ/ keyboard



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   Learn DhiraSankarabharanam Ragam


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Meetkalakar is an Indian product and services company based in Mumbai. Its interests are focussed on the field of performing arts. The various products and services of Meetkalakar mainly benefit performing artists and art lovers.

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