SABHA Organised its first concert at K-State for the year 2010, Featuring the renowned tabla artist Ramdas Palsule. This video features the solo performance of Ramdas Palsule at his best with his Tabla.
Shahid Pervez plays sitar at Sawaai Gandharva festival, Ramdas Palsule on Tabla
Jalatarang & Flute jugalbandi in a private concert in Dubai fantastically accompanied by Pt. Ramdas Palsule on Table. Jalatarang - Milind Tulankar
Vibration Group Flute - Pt. Ronu Majumdar, Tabla - Pt. Ramdas Palsule, Drums - Mukul Dongre, Keyboard - Atul Reninga Dance Choreography - Ragini Makkhar