This is a 1.5 hrs long one-act play performed, based on 6 Marathi dramas that belong to the Golden Era of Marathi drama. The artist tries to adapt the script and portray the theme of whole drama in 15-20 minutes each, keeping the lead character in centre. The enactment is delivered in the voice and style of the original actors. The play includes milestones in history of Marathi drama like Vaahato Hi Durvanchi Judi (Lead charactr-Bhau by Bal Kolhatkar), To Mee Navheh (Lead character Lakhoba Lokhande by Prabhakar Panashikar), Asa mi Asami (Pu La Deshpande) etc. The play offers Deja vu experience for those who have seen the original dramas and offers a great opportunity to the youngsters to learn about the glorious past of Marathi drama.
About Suresh Paranjape
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Suresh Paranjape is a senior artist. He has been performing since more than 20 years now.
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