Ratheesh Babu gave Bharatnatyam Performance at Pune Festival. And Solo Presentation of Bharatnatyam Dance in “Bhouramdev Festival” organized by Department of Culture and Tourism; Govt. of C.G. in the year 2001
About Ratheesh Babu
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Natya Choodamani, Nrityabharathi Shri G. Ratheesh Babu is a disciple of Kalaimamani Padmashri Adayar K. Laxman; Chennai is a highly acclaimed and renowned dancer, who continues to be totally involved in the art both as a teacher and a performer.
Ratheesh was introduced to the world of Indian Classical Dance at the age of five under the tutelage of GURU Kalanilayam Krishnan Kutty, Kerala and he learned his first steps in Mohiniattam. Then he moved a head and learned the intricacies of Bharatnatyam and Kuchippudi dance form under the able guidance of Smt. Amritam Gopinath, Aryakalanilayam and Ms.Barnona Basu.Mumbai.. Then he moved to Chennai to specialize in Bharatnatyam under the guidance of Kalaimamani Padmashri Shri Adayar K. Laxman, Chennai.Practiced Karnatic Music under the guidance of Shree Trissur. T Unnikrishnan, IKSV, Khairagarh.
He has displayed his immense talent by performing in all major Sabhas and festival in India and abroad. A graceful and gifted dancer, Ratheesh Babu is a classicist in the field of Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi and Mohiniattam as a dancer, teacher and choreographer. He is the Founder Director of ”NRITHYATHI KALAKSHETRAM' - School of Indian Classical Dance; Affiliated to Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya; Khairagarh - C.G. having national repute.
For sheer geometry of lines and precise structure beauty of form, he has stretched his capacity for perfection to its utmost. By his astounding and exquisite dance dazed the audience with his scintillating performances in India and Abroad. His versatile talent and her gracious inner artistic beauty won wide acclaim from art lovers, connoisseurs & natyaacharyas for his spellbound performances and art critics as one of the best-recognized dancer.
He has also been adored with several prestigious awards from Govt, as well as renowned Cultural Samathi’s. He has staged approximately 700 plus shows both Solo and group dances. He also conducts workshops & Imparts training through Nrithyathi’s Learning Centers located at Raipur, Bhilai, Durg, Nagpur,Bhopal, Pune,Kannur, Vizag & Bangalore.
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