Sanjay Keni a versatile actor, stand-up comedian and voice over artist has performed innumerable live stage shows nationwide & abroad with various film stars like Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt and many more and also with playback singers like Sonu Nigam, Abhijit, Sunidhi Chowan etc. Performed live shows for corporate like IBM, Apollo Tyres, Asian Paints, Hutch, Hier Mobiles, Tata Indicom, Hindustan Lever, LG, etc.
Sanjay has performed live shows nationwide 'Idea Rocks India' with Sonu Nigam. He has done number of gags with 'Comedy King Johnny Lever’ in his TV show 'Johnny Aala Re' for Zee TV. He has played character role like Chota Circuit, Babubhaiya (Paresh Rawal) in 'Kya App Paanchvi Fail Champu Hai?' for TV channel Sahara Filmy.
As a voice over artist he has done various characters voices for number of TV commercials and radio spots as voice over artist. Also given voice for ‘Program Menu’ of Sahara Filmy.