Revati began
her training in Hindustani classical vocal music from Sangeetacharya Mohan Kumar Darekar. Thereafter, she undertook
further training of the Jaipur-Atrauli tradition from Dr.Ashwini Bhide Deshpande for more than a decade. She is currently
learning the nuances of vocal music from the well respected harmonium artist in
the realm of Hindustani 
music; Dr.Arawind Thatte.She has been well
supported by her husband and well known tabla player- Shri Bharat Kamat, who himself hails from a background where music
has been the tradition for the past three generations.
She completed her Ph.D under the able guidance of late Pt. Bhaskar Chandavarkar.
Revati is modest enough to acknowledge her success to her family. With the training received from three distinguished gurus, Revati aspires to accomplish the role of a performer, composer and teacher.