Rajnarayan Bhattacharya took his initial training from his father Bhudeb Bhattacharya at the age of five. Thereafter, he was under the tutelage of noted tabla player of BanarasGharana Sri Amiya Kumar Mukherjee. At present Rajnarayan is receiving intensive training from renowned tabla maestro and teacher of Sangeet Research Academy, Kolkata, Pt. Samar Saha of Banaras Gharana.
Rajnarayan Bhattacharya is an accomplished accompanist. He has accompanied many senior artists like Pandit Ali Ahamed Hussian (Shehnai), Ustad
Asish Khan (Sarod), Pandit Arun Bhaduri, Pandit V. Balsara, Padmashree Girija
Devi, Bidusi Purnima Chowdhury, Pandit Ramnath Mishra, Hemanta Mukherjee, Arati
Mukherjee, Suchitra Mitra, Nilima Sen, Ashoktoru Bandhapadhya, Manoka Thakur,
Sharmila Roy Poomot (Paris), Lopamudra Mitra, Lili Islam, Rezwana Choudhury
Banna, etc.
These are some of the concerts in India :
- Dover Lane Music Conference, Kolkata.
- Bhowanipore Sangeet Sammelan, Kolkata.
- National Youth Festival, New Delhi.
- A
Conference of SUR SINGAR SAMSAD, Mumbai.
- Rupasi Bangla Festival, Hyderabad.
- Ramkrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata.
- Conference of Indian Council for Cultural Relation, Bangalore
- Srutinandan,
- Conference of SANGEET PIYASI, Kolkata.
- Conference of SARAJ, New Delhi.
- A
conference of Bihaan Music. Kolkata.
- A
conference of ICCR, Kolkata.
Rajnarayan has also performed in a lot of concerts abroad. To mention a few are :- Radio France Association Ganapati, Bourdeux, France.
- Centre Mandapa, Paris, France.
- Theatre of Lachocell, France.
- Association Saamhati, Saligny, France.
- Ramkrishna Mission, Paris, France.
- World Youth Conference, Milan, Italy.
- World Youth Conference, Florence, Italy.
- Music Festival, Strutgard, Germany, 2002.
- Suddha Sangeet Prosar Gosthi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Conference
of Alliance Francaise, Dhaka, BANGLADESH.
- A workshop
program organizes by
Indian High Commission Dhaka, in Bangladesh as a Tabla Guru.
- Performed
India Festival in Belgium organized by Bozar in Belgium.
- Indian
Music festival and Dance, organized by Association
Ganapati and State Electricity Board in Bordeaux, France
He is attached as a Tabla
Accompanist in GYAN BANI FM (105.4 MHz) in 'SURSABHA' on every Wednesday, Live (from 10pm to 11pm).
He is also a Tabla
Teacher in FUTURE HOPE School.
Rajnarayan Bhattacharya was awarded GOLD MEDAL and also received Sangeet Alankar degree from
Surer Maya Sangeet Samaj with the encouragement of his uncle Dr. Saroj Kumar Bhattacharya. He also
procured second position in the Inter
Collegiate Music Competition organized by Calcutta University in the year
1982-83. He also stood second in the
NATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL organized by Y.M.C.A.New Delhi.
Rajnarayan is selected as a panel artist of INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CULTURAL RELATION, under Ministry of External Affairs,
Govt. of India.