Ujwala has written innumerable fictional stories, satires and sorrows of life. She is a recognized author, much in demand from publishers who are committed to give to their readers, quality, dignifies, decent thoughts encased in humor to easily digest and internalize! She writes for TV soaps and has been a script writer for a serial, "KAYAPALAT" broadcast on SAHYADRI-Indian television channel. She is an approved and an accomplished script writer for All India Radio.
She is a State and National award winner for the popular show, "HASYARANJAN". Her stories and presentations revolve around middle class life and deal with typical behavioural ethos, taboos, values and notions. These are garbed in humorous parodies, jokes, anecdotes, experiences and are presented in a manner that entertains while educates. The programme can be configured to the tastes of special audiences like women, children, demography, senior citizen etc. She has presented such shows to Social Service Organizations like the Lions and the Rotary, Senior Citizen Clubs, Mahila Mandals (Ladies' Clubs) in both URBAN and RURAL parts. With the show she has performed outside of Maharashtra as also outside of India-in United States of America located Maharashtra Mandals to psychologically take them "back home" while entertaining!
Ujwala has compered numerous music shows, conferences, ceremonies, entertainment programmes, meetings, training programmes, formal functions, opening ceremonies, prize distributions and corporate funtions.