Concerts of Kanchana Ranjani sisters have been telecasted in Doorsharshan, SVBC, Shankara, Udaya and other local TV channels. They have performed thousands of concerts and some of the most prestigious stagesinclude - The South Central Zone in Tanjavoor, Vishakapattanam etc., Mysore Palace, Mysore Gnana Bharathi, Udupi Paryaya concerts at Rajangana. Many prestigious sabhas of Bangalore, Sangeetha Parishath Mangalore, Naadaniranjanam Tirupathi, Cannanore and many prestigious Sangeetha Sabhas across the country. They have also toured other countries and performed in Europe and UK for various organizations. Apart from rendering classical concerts, they are also well versed in the rendition of Bhajans, Ghazals, Dasa sahithya, Vachana, poetic verses etc.
They have conceptualized, directed and performed diversified music projects and some of the popular ones include “Vachana Viveka”, “Sri Thyagaraja Seetha Kalyanam”, “Demonstration on Thiruppughal” etc. They are experts in notating poetic verses on the spot and have worked with famous poets such as Shatavadhani Dr. R. Ganesh, Sri Dwaraki Krishnaswami, Sri Korgi Sankaranarayana Upadyaya and such others. They have also performed for Dance music with legends as smt. Sundari Santhanam (disciple of smt. Padma Subrahmaniam) and others. The duo have also composed and directed background music for many music albums, dance etc.
Some of the popular albums of Kanchana Ranjani Sisters are –‘Hanumagiri Panchamukhi Anjaneya Suprabhatha’, ‘Sri Kateel Durgaparameshwari Suprabhatha’, ‘Musical Affection’, ‘Ecstacy’, etc.
Awards :
The duo have received many awards namely – ‘Ananya Yuva Prathibha Puraskara’ from Ananya Bangalore, gold medal from Padmabhushana Dr. D.Veerendra Heggade for their music achievements and many other felicitations by renowned Educational Institutions, Religious Mutts, temples and famous personalities