Niranjan has accompanied several musicians in India & abroad. He had the opportunity of working with eminent musicians like Vidushi Shubha Mudgal, Dr.Shoma Ghosh, Smt.Lata Mangeshkar, Shri. Hridaynath Mangeshkar, Vidushi Girija Devi, Pandit Birjoo Maharaj & Sangeet Martand Pt.Jasraj.
He also got an opportunity to perform in the Central Hall of Parliament, Delhi on the occasion of completion of 150 years of 1857 War of Independence with renowned musicians Vidushi Shubha Mudgal, Dr. Aneesh Pradhan, Gazal maestro Late Shri Jagjit Singh & famous producer, lyricist and writer of Hindi film industry Shri Gulzarji
Niranjan also plays the Reed Organ in theatrical music productions, which are often relayed on Indian Television. He is also a graded artist & a regular performer of All India Radio & Television.
Niranjan is equally at ease as a soloist. He was invited to perform Harmonium Solo in the 'World Music Festival' held in Paris in August 2002 and in Stuttgart festival Germany in the year 2008.